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AAP provides resources for people to cultivate peace and purpose. 


Our mission is to advance the theory and practice of psychosynthesis to benefit individuals and society.

Dedicated to the evolution of wholeness and spiritual integration world-wide, The Association for the Advancement of Psychosynthesis was established in 1995. It is the first professional psychosynthesis organi­zation in North America and is open to all who are interested in supporting its evolution. 

We are therapists, coaches, teachers and artists who utilize psychosynthesis in professional contexts, as well as people interested in personal and spiritual development who utilize psychosynthesis principles and techniques to support wholeness.

Roberto Assagioli (1888-1974), a physician and pioneer of psychoanalytic theory in Italy, formulated a transpersonal theory of the psyche from his study of psychology and of the spiritual practices in many cultures.  He named it Psychosynthesis.  His life and work has a wholeness offered to all who wish to learn. His inner wholeness radiated a joyful presence and dynamic serenity from which wisdom pours. This bold innovator lived to see his ideas take form in hundreds of articles, books, in many languages, students in numerous countries, a body of theory rich with new implications and consequences, and centers continuing to develop his work world-wide.

At the heart of Psychosynthesis is a continually evolving perspective of psychosynthesis principles and practices.  AAP intends to maintain its place on the edge of this evolution in form.

We invite you to join us.

AAP is dedicated to furthering the awareness, application, and integration of psychosynthesis toward a vision of: 

  • Collaborating globally with other psychosynthesis organizations and centers, and with disciplines whose practitioners integrate psychosynthesis into their work
  • Incorporating a digital infrastructure into the strategies for advancing psychosynthesis
  • Publishing cutting edge research and breakthroughs in psychosynthesis
  • Maintaining up-to-date archives on of psychosynthesis in North America
  • Providing state-of-the-art accredited training programs
  • Meeting the needs of social crisis on a changing planet
  • Demonstrating a dynamical community model of social psychosynthesis

In carrying out its purpose and mission, AAP 

  • Conducts programs, workshops, conferences, retreats
  • Provides networking opportunities.
  • Recognizes outstanding accomplishments of members.
  • Maintains member and centers’ directory and latest events.
  • Highlights practitioner referral information for members
  • Engenders high standards of psychosynthesis training
  • Supports ongoing theoretical and prototypical research projects
  • Publishes a newsletter, journal, and other publications
  • Maintains an interactive website
  • Offers a seed loan and mini-grant for new initiatives
  • Works towards its vision as committees and task forces, and in communities
of practice and in co-creative global collaborations
  • Offers Continuing Education Credits to participants in members’ workshops when they qualify within the guidelines of NBCC or BSSE.

AAP depends on volunteer efforts and contributions of its members. We welcome your involvement in AAP and hope you will join us as a member of AAP. 

You may wish to work with a team on one of the AAP committees.  These include:

  • Professional Development,
  • Archives,
  • Membership,
  • Publications,
  • Website,
  • Conference,
  • Awards and Recognition,
  • Grant Writing,
  • Research,
  • Editorial/Writers. and
  • Continuing Education

 Contact Us for more information, to get involved or volunteer.

AAP is a U.S. 501(c)(3) corporation, and any donation to our organization is tax deductible for U.S. Income Tax purposes.

What is AAP 

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