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Steering Committee

AAP Steering Committee members guide the activities of the organization, working on committees and managing initiatives.

2022 -2025

Top Row: Neal Klein, Marjorie Gross (Co-Chair), Mark Skelding. 

Middle Row: Cristina Pelizzattii, Peter Stewart, Christina Gustafson

Bottom Row: Kevin Harrington (Co-Chair), Sheila Williams

Side box top: Jonathan Dray

Side box bottom: Richard Lamb

2022 -2024

Marjorie Hope Gross

  • Administrative and Executive: Co-chair, secretary, administrator (social media, membership, website)
  • Synthesis Productions: synthesis groups (co-manager), quarterly, webinar, ‘talk PS’, 

Kevin Corneilus Harrington

  • Administrative and Executive: Co-chair,  archivist
  • Synthesis Productions: international relations, research, conferences, synthesis groups (coaching, writing) 

Sheila Williams

  • Administrative and Executive: treasurer, administrator (membership)

Richard Lamb

  • Synthesis Productions: webinar, international relations, research, coaching, synthesis groups (co-manager, trauma recovery)

Jonathan Dray

  • Administrative and Executive:  secretary, archivist
  • Synthesis Productions: quarterly, conferences

Christina Gustafson

  • Synthesis Productions: conferences, international relations, PS podcast

Neal Klein

  • Synthesis Productions: research, international relations, conferences

Top Line Left to right: Julie Clark, Marjorie Hope Gross Sheila Williams,

Bottom Line Left to Right: Richard Lamb, Dawn Harward.  

Left to right: Jan Kuniholm, (retired) Sheila Williams, Richard Lamb, Marjorie Hope Gross, Dawn Harward.  

Left to right: Angel Santiago, Susan Bullivant, Julie Rivers, Jan Kuniholm, Bonney Gulino Schaub, Marjorie Hope Gross, Richard Schaub, Patricia Elkins (retired) Barbara Veale Smith (not present)

Front Row: Ann Schafer, Edie Silvestri, Brad Roth, Shamai Currim, Yon Walls
Back row: Pepper Sarnoff, Stephanie Lindsay
Missing: Abigail DeSoto, Jan Kuniholm

Back Row: Shamai Currim, Ann Schafer, Rosemary Wentworth, Pepper Sarnoff, Edie Silvestri, Dirk Kelder.
Front Row: Stephanie Lindsay, Brad Roth

Left to right: Pepper Sarnoff, Susan Arneson, Dirk Kelder, Judi White, Shamai Currim, (missing: Ellen Faith, Stephanie Lindsay, Inessa M'ilberg)

Dori Smith, Patrick Dufour, Judi White, Ellen Faith, Audrey McMorrow, Sharon Mandt, Dirk Kelder

Left to right: Judi White, Audrey McMorrow, Heather Perkins, Sharon Mandt, Nancy Rowe, Dori Smith, and Ellen Faith (not shown)

Left to right: Janet Messer, Dori Smith, Nancy Rowe, Rick Martin, Sharon Mandt,
John Parks, Eileen Stephens, Audrey McMorrow, and Gwin Stewart

Left to right: Bottom Row – John Parks, Janet Messer, Carla Peterson,
Middle row – Sharon Mandt, Gwin Stewart, Edwin Miller, Cynthia Bost,
Back row – Hedwig Weiler, Eileen Stephens, Richard Martin

Left to right: Seated – Eileen Stephens, Carla Peterson (co-chair), Sharon Mandt,
Standing – Hedwig Weiler (co-chair), John Parks, Janet Messer, Edwin Miller,
Roberta Nelson, Karen Pesavento.
Missing – Jan Kuniholm

Left to right: Standing: Hedwig Weiler, David Shirley (co-chair), Janet Messer, John Parks, Carla Peterson
Sitting: Edwin Miller, Sharon Mandt, Betty Bosdell (co-chair)
Missing: Dirk Kelder. Jan Kuniholm, Karen Pesavento, Dennis Wynne

Back row: Karen Pesavento, John Parks, Veronica Fischer, Edwin Miller, Hedwig Weiler, Dirk Kelder
Middle row: Betty Bosdell (co-chair), Janet Messer, David Shirley (co-chair)
Front row: Jan Kuniholm, Walter Polt. Missing: Jae Way, Dennis Wynne

Back row: Dirk Kelder, Edwin Miller, Walter Polt
Middle row: Hedwig Weiler, Dennis Wynne, John Parks, Mary Eileen Kiniry (co-chair), Betty Bosdell, David Shirley
Front row: Shamai Currim, Scott Thompson (co-chair), Veronica Fischer, Janet Messer

Back row: Walter Polt, Al (Charles) Lingo, Jr., Scott Thompson (co-chair), Edwin Miller, Bob Contadino
3rd row back: Shamai Currim, Veronica Fischer, Hedwig Weiler, Mary Eileen Kiniry (co-chair)
2nd row back: Estelle Lavallee.Lois Hamon, Joann Anderson
Front row: Marti Elvebak, Phyllis Clay

Back row: Scott Thompson, Bob Contadino (co-chair), Joann Anderson (co-chair), Shamai Currim, Veronica Fischer, Al Lingo
Front row: Phyllis Clay, Marti Elvebak, Mary Eileen Kiniry. Missing – Lois Hamon

Back row: Debbie Onken, Al Lingo.
2nd row: Joanne Anderson, Michael Brown, Marti Elvebak, Shamai Currim, Lois Hamon
Front row: Phyllis Clay, Judith Broadus (Cochairs)

Left to right: Judith Broadus (Secretary), Michael H. Brown, Jean Guenther, Anne Mulvaney (Treasurer)
Mary Kelso, Rosalind Till (Co-chair), Phyllis Clay, Deborah Onken (Co-chair)

Front Row: Ilene Val-Essen, Jean Guenther, Catherine Comuzzi, Anne Mulvaney, Mary Kelso (co-chair), Sally Singingtree (SC emeritus).
Back Row: Gary Riestenberg (co-chair), Rosalind Till (Secretary), Robert Turner, Dennis Wynne (SC emeritus), Deborah Onken (Treasurer)

Back row: Ruth Eichler, B.Clare Goodwin, Didi Firman (co-chair), Jesse Pelton
Font row: Jean Guenther (co-chair), Cherie Franklin, Anne Ziff, Mary Ondov. Missing: Robert Turner

Left to right: Jesse Pelton, Didi Firman (co-chair), Jim Dunlop, Dirk Kelder, Jean Guenther (co-chair)
Seated: Judy Dunlop. Missing: B. Clare Goodwin, Cherie Franklin

Steering Committee

2016-2017 Cochairs
Marjorie Hope Gross and Julie Rivers

2015-2106 Cochairs
Stephanie Lindsay and Jan Kuniholm

2014-2015 Cochairs
Stephanie Lindsay and Shamai Currim

2013-2014 Cochairs
Shamai Currim and Dirk Kelder

2011-2013 Cochairs
Dirk Kelder and Judi White

2010-2011 Cochairs
Sharon Mandt and Nancy Rowe

2009-2010 Cochairs
Sharon Mandt and Janet Messer

2008-2009 Cochairs
Janet Messer and Hedwig Weiler

2007-2008 Cochairs
Carla Peterson and Hedwig Weiler

2006-2007 Cochairs
Betty Bosdell and David Shirley

2003-2005 Cochairs
Mary Eileen Kiniry and Scott Thompson

2002-2003 Cochairs
Robert Contadino and Joann M. Anderson

2001-2002 Cochairs
Judith Broadus and Phyllis Clay

1999-2000 Cochairs
Rosalind Till and Debbie Onken

1998-1999 Cochairs
Mary Kelso and Gary Riestenberg

1995-1997 Cochairs
Jean Guenther and Didi Firman

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