Psychosynthesis Summit and Festival 2025 -- Registration is now open! |
We warmly invite the international Psychosynthesis community and all those engaged in world peace and sustainability to get involved in this unique event.
‘Synthesis for a Changing World’ reflects Roberto Assagioli’s encouragement to “tune in and willingly participate” in universal will.
Let us recognize the challenges of our personal, national and global context, and provide a forum for how psychosynthesis is evolving.
We are currently in a situation that requires a shift in our collective consciousness and nobody can do that on their own. It requires a synthetic approach to move beyond what brought us here.
Planned activities
Over 3 days we will have a balance and creative flow between traditional presentations and experiential, immersive activities, connecting heart / mind / body / spirit:
This conference will offer opportunities for practitioners from around the globe to come together, draw insight from diverse disciplines, and to converge on best practices.
For more details, and to get involved in shaping the AAP 2025 conference agenda, please contact the AAP steering committee.
Our email address is:
At this point the AAP has secured the venue at the Garrison Institute, which is a place of "cultivating awareness of our interconnectedness as the basis of positive change".
These are our overarching themes: 'Ecopsychosynthesis', 'Education and Research', 'Peace and Sustainability', and 'Healing and Consciousness' as we seek to explore the role psychosynthesis plays.
Work in progress:
· Conference website / contribution submission forms / registration will be open late 2024 / early 2025 (with early bird discounts...stay tuned!)
· We are in the process of contacting leading voices who hear the call for 'Synthesis in a Changing World'
· We wonder who you would nominate as someone who reflects the themes above and would be a vital contributor
· Please feel free to contact us for any potential keynote speakers that we may be able to invite - they may already be on our list!
We already look forward to seeing you at the Garrison Institute in upstate New York to renew and reconnect in the context of soul’s nurture and expression.
We are a diverse and vibrant community, let's celebrate this and come together for a synthesis in this changing world!
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