October quarterly: Eco-Psychosynthesis

  • Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The October 2024 Psychosynthesis Quarterly publication date has been rescheduled to October 15th. 

 October Theme

Eco-Psychosynthesis: 25 Years On

With guest editor

Molly Young Brown

with Peter Stewart and Mark Skelding (AAP)

An invitation to participate and contribute:

an article, a poem, artwork, photograph

A person is always in a social context; he is not an isolated unit. … This same principle applies to an individual’s relation to nature and the universe. No person can take an arrogant stand and consider himself unrelated to the universe. Like it or not, man is a part of the universal will and he must somehow tune in and willingly participate in the rhythms of universal life. (Assagioli, 1974 – “Golden Mean” interview)

The Association for the Advancement of Psychosynthesis welcomes submissions for the upcoming issue of the AAP quarterly on the theme of Eco-Psychosynthesis.

The October issue will reprise the theme of an AAP monograph published 25 years ago (see photo below). This was co-edited by Dorothy Firman and David Klugman with a feature article by Molly Brown and responses / comments by Bill Plotkin, Carla Brennan, John Parks, Elena Franzini, Anne Yeomans and Dorothy Firman. We warmly welcome any contributions from those involved with the original publication!


Articles should be submitted in word.doc format with all images sent as jpegs or pngs attachments. 

Please also send a brief bio in a word doc format and recent photo as jpeg or png attachment.

Send your contributions to: newsletter@aap-psychosynthesis.org

Please send submissions as soon as they are ready so we can get started reading and editing before the deadline. If you need any further guidance on the topic or submission guidelines do please get in touch. Thank you so much!  

We hope our suggestion of 1500 words may serve as a guideline that helps your writing. We prefer that you use the APA style guide when possible, for things like punctuation and references.  

Announcements, book reviews, and upcoming events are also welcome, with a request that non members who wish to submit advertising make a donation to AAP. To donate, click here.

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